How to trade 1MillionNFTs on marketplaces

1 Million NFTs
4 min readJan 11, 2022


Nowadays, NFT is something most of us are familiar with. We know what it is and how it works. But what about 1MillionNFTs? Is there something we can amaze you with? Let’s see.

As we have already mentioned millions of times, our platform offers users places on the board encoded as NFTs, which they can color in any possible way [as well as add URL, image, and description].

Our NFTs are created in such a way that anyone who has ever bought a place on one of our 1MillionNFTs boards can freely interact with it. The NFT is held in their wallets (those used when buying or minting a zone of the board). And it can further be sent, sold, or given as a present to other users. Do whatever you want, now it’s yours!

The procedure is similar to regular market operations. The only difference is that at the end of the purchasing process, you get a certificate of ownership instead of a receipt. This certificate is registered on the blockchain and is better to be kept in the digital wallet. In order to buy NFT, the wallet you use must contain enough relevant payment means.

Many are asking: I bought NFTs on your board, what next?

You can use your NFTs not only within the platform but also on external marketplaces.

The most famous and biggest marketplace for NFT trading is This peer-to-peer platform bills itself as a purveyor of “rare digital items and collectibles.” To get started, all you need is an account to browse NFT collections. You can also sort pieces by sales volume to discover new artists.

1MillionNFTs has created a collection together with our users, which now can be found via this link:

These are all the NFTs that have been created on the Ethereum board. Those who painted their NFTs get a beautiful picture.

Check this out:

Don’t forget that NFT owners are not limited to a particular marketplace and can display their artwork in whichever one. Different marketplaces may be used for different networks (Polygon, BSC, Aurora, etc.). Users can place their NFTs for sale or auction. It’s fully accessible for all NFT holders.

We want you to feel safe when dealing with NFTs and therefore decided to offer you handy instructions on how to sell NFTs on OpenSea in several steps.

#1. Navigate to and log into your account. Then pick the NFT you wish to sell from your wallet. Select “Sell” to get redirected to the listing page.

#2. Choose the type and price of the sale. You can set a fixed price or an auction. With the auction, enter the start price, expiration time, and price threshold. As for the duration, a sale can last for one day, three days, or a week. Once you have everything sorted out, click “Complete Listing.”

#3. You’ll then be asked to confirm your sale by signing a transaction.

Please note, if you’ve never sold on OpenSea before, you’ll need to initialize your wallet first. Also, if the item you are listing was not minted on OpenSea but through a custom contract, there may be an additional approval and signature required to allow OpenSea to trade the item on your behalf.

#4. That’s it! You’ll see a message saying, “Your NFT is listed,” and you can copy its link wherever you like to boost the visibility.

1MillionNFTs team hope we managed to make your life easier!

And so we’re coming closer to a great piece of information regarding 1MillionNFTs’ own marketplace. Yeah, we are about to be counted among the best ones. All the most important features and advantages of any marketplace will be provided exclusively for our community.

Enjoy the functionality and the advantages of the NFT world with 1MillionNFTs! Together we can achieve more ❤️

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1 Million NFTs

What if you can become owners of the internet instead of just its users?